bpl schedule

bpl schedule_online cricket betting_BCB struggle to find slot for BPL 2024.

bpl schedule_online cricket betting_BCB struggle to find slot for BPL 2024.

bpl schedule

online cricket betting

While announcing the seven teams for the next cycle of the BPL, the BCB had also fixed the dates for the tournaments – BPL 2023 from January 6 to February 16, BPL 2024 from January 6 to February 17 and BPL 2025 from January 1 to February 11.

However, BCB officials said that they might have to change the dates of BPL as it clashed with leagues like the SA20, Australia’s Big Bash and UAE’s ILT20 as it became difficult for the franchises to get renowned stars of the shortest format to play in their tournament.

Nazmul said that at the moment they are finding it hard to get a slot for the next BPL due to the forthcoming general elections, scheduled to be held in January 2024, and added that they will have to play BPL in two parts due to security issues.

“We are not getting the slot for the next BPL and it is nearly impossible to bring out a slot. We have got one but we might need to have a gap in between if there is a general election where the security personnel will be needed,” Nazmul told reporters at the Sylhet International Stadium on Monday.
